
Matt Cutts Speaks On Social And Search: Don’t Depend On A Single Channel

Google has started updating its algorithm in a frequent manner for attaining better results for the visitors. But, this might be harming the SEO companies’ strategies. So, Matt cutts clearly told not to rely on a single channel, instead of this focus on all the ways for generating traffic as it would be difficult to achieve the desired results through a single channel. The web masters can have a better time rather than rather than focusing on small updates, which is made for Google’s algorithm.

You must be wondering whether to throw a single hat to attain top rankings on search results or you can spend some time to generate traffic from other avenues like pay per click advertising and social media marketing. This is the latest topic of Google’s webmaster that is distinguished by its chief engineer Matt cutts.

Since the time Google started updating search results, it is really getting difficult for many people for trusting Google any more, should a person start focusing on generating traffic from social media or any other online marketing platforms. Google will constantly upgrade its algorithm, Matt cutts told. It is not going to get completed they will continuously update if spammers are finding newer ways for ranking, when they are changing the weights or integrating the signals that are related to the signals of algorithm.

Matt cutts also said that “Since the summer has started, Google has made it hard for spammers to attain high rankings through black hat tools and techniques. This is the reason, we are going to update on a frequent basis, as changing things will be making things easier. We are trying to find out new ways for recording search algorithms”. Matt Cutts said “The mission is the same that is to create high quality search results”.

He also said there is better time for web master to spend instead of figuring out all the little things of Google search algorithm.

Social Media Platforms

“So instead of finding out short cuts for ranking higher on the search engines, you should focus on creating a beautiful site that is compelling and loved by people, these are some kind of things, which will put you on a similar side” Matt cutts said.

There are many other sources of generating traffic, like social media platforms. There are many eggs in different baskets. If your website’s ranking on Google is not good then you can make use of other channels from face book to print media marketing to twitter to billboards. So, make sure that you have a rounded portfolio to generate leads, it can be coming through your door or news paper or any other advertising channel that can work perfectly.

“If you are having unique, informative and interesting content it will surely do wonders on Google” he said. But, if people spam or if you are hiring wrong SEO, then the results will become unpredictable. These are some of the cases where Google is expecting good content for creating the best path because these are the things the end user will be expecting. So, Google is more concerned about the end visitors rather than the SEO companies.

So, through this we come to know that you should not depend upon a single channel for generating leads there are many social media platforms that has to be taken into consideration instead of totally focusing on the ways and shortcuts for attaining top ranks on search results.