
Matt Cutts busts the top 4 SEO myths and popular conspiracies in the industry

Matt Cutts revealed most important top four search engine optimisation myths and conspiracies in industry. How to get good search engine result pages in google? Steps to get good keyword rankings for a business website on search engines.

Google engineer Matt Cutts identifies four of the popular misconceptions that are circulating in the industry. Know more about the untruths and half lies that have plagued the SEO domain for a long time.

Search engine optimisation is the buzzword for the future as internet marketing has steadily grown in volume. Consumers all over the world are used to searching up addresses, product reviews, service quality standards and all types of commercial and entertainment related information on the web as opposed to traditional communication mediums. Because of the popularity of SEO, there are various myths that have been buzzing around.

Myth #1 Paying money for Google Adwords translates into organic rankings

There is a popular misconception in the market that paying money for Google adwords will automatically translate into higher rankings in the SERP (Search engine result Pages). Along with this concept there is also a similar myth that not buying ads at all will fetch high ranks.

Well, in a recent webmaster video, Matt Cutts vehemently opposes the validity of both these myths. The truth is that the only factor which will ensure organic consistently higher rankings is fresh unadulterated regularly updated content which is relevant to the targeted group. There is absolutely no shortcut for getting ranks.

Myth #2 the changes in Google algorithm is meant for coercing ad sales

There is this rather unpleasant rumor in the market that search engines force consumer to buy ads so that the traffic flow to their websites is maintained to optimum level. The truth is that Google is a really large scaled highly profitable enterprise which doesn’t need to coerce the virtual community base to do anything against their will.

Matt Cutts clarifies that the only intention of Google is to guarantee relevant and good search results which will be appreciated by users. Internet surfers need to be pleased enough with search engine results in order to be loyal to it. Clicking on ads is just an added bonus.

search engine optimisation myths

search engine optimisation myths

Myth #3 Using black hat techniques will fetch top ranks

Cutts said that he sincerely hope that webmasters will have the good sense to rely on their own judgment than to check out stuff written in black hat forums which promote unethical practices. Always prescribing to group think theories will lead webmasters to ignore real time goals and earn penalty points in terms of ranking declination. Make sure that you do not over prescribed to guest blogging, article directory formation and link forming wheels as a form of ensuring success.

Myth #4 SEO tools are all powerful and will solve all issues

Many SEO tools do help in ensuring good rankings but there is no sure fire way of achieving the numero uno rank in search engine results. Many web based organizations have started touting software packages and tool sets as the ultimate way of ensuring traffic and footfalls. Matt Cutts ensures the public that purchasing such packages with the strong belief that they will be solution to all SEO woes is a very bad idea. It’s especially important to avoid buying into any software system sold by black hat forums.