
Content Advertising Beliefs That Should Die

Content advertising has become one of the best and cheapest methods of advertising. The best thing about this advertising strategy is that both small and big brands are attaining the same results. Therefore, content advertising should not be considered as an expense but an investment. Content advertising should be undertaken considering several factors, which have been mentioned in this blog.

Content advertising in 2013 has progressed a lot and have become the most important online advertising strategy and we will be expecting some more validations in the year 2014. If you own a brand and are thinking to invest in content advertising, you should not be falling for any of the content advertising misconceptions shown below.

Content Advertising Is Easy When Compared To Various Online Promotions

Content advertising depends only upon the trust factors, which are known and anyone who is in a relationship will be attesting. It takes very long to create something and just a moment to destroy something.

Customer relationship with various brands is not usually intense, but creating trust is nothing but gradational process. Every piece of content, which is appended, creates one more layer for KLT pyramid.

After all, marketing is very easy when campaigns have been developed for measuring the results and running the duration. In content development there are several milestones, which have to be measured.

Once trust has been lost it is very hard to regain it. You can get to know this by asking British petroleum.

Content Advertising Doesn’t Need Much Time

According to a content advertising report, businesses to business advertisers today are facing a problem of time. And this is true. Lets check out some processes that are appended to content advertising.

content marketing

content marketing

Development Of Content Strategies

This includes market research, keyword analysis, content audit, website audit and SEO.

Constant Content Development

This is labor consuming, time consuming and though consuming.

Content Advertisement And Distribution

This includes investments like search marketing, social media advertising and email advertising.

Measurement Of Content Performance

In this the content advertisement output is analyzed against the success metrics.

Content Advertising Is Automated After You Have Set It You Have To Forget It

There are plenty of things in content advertising, which could be automated in a repeated process like social monitoring, distribution, curation, alerts and autoresponders, but several firms are trying too hard to automate and very soon they are going to automate the incorrect stuff.

Some Of The Content Advertising Strategies That Must Not Be Automated Are

  • Content development
  • Management of community
  • Content strategy
  • Social media strategy

Jayson demers have predicted the content advertising trends for the year 2014. Businesses will be finding ways for automating content advertising and such efforts are going to fail.

Content Advertising Isn’t Expensive

Content advertising is considered to be one of the cheapest advertising methods. For example a thirty seconds commercial advertisement will would be costing millions on the other hand promotional activities on twitter can be freely done. But according to me it is not good to compare such advertising activities.

Technology has sorted out the differences between small and big brands because they are achieving the same results using content advertising. For instance, orabrush has attained good content advertising results just by investing five hundred dollars for the Youtube videos on the other hand Neil patel is investing huge sums for educational content.